IT Salary per month in India: A Comprehensive Guide

Looking to learn more about IT salary per month in India? Dive into this detailed guide for insights, expert opinions, and essential information. Discover the latest trends, opportunities, and expectations in the Indian IT job market. In a rapidly evolving tech landscape, understanding the IT salary per month in India is crucial for both job seekers and employers. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on the intricacies of the Indian IT job market, from salary expectations to industry insights.

The salary range for IT professionals can vary widely depending on their skills, experience, and the city in which they work.

IT salary in some of the major cities in India:

  1. Bengaluru (Bangalore): Bengaluru is often considered the IT hub of India. IT professionals in this city tend to earn relatively higher salaries compared to other cities. Entry-level positions may start at around INR 30,000 to INR 50,000 per month, while experienced professionals can earn significantly more, often in the range of INR 1,00,000 to INR 2,00,000 or even more per month.
  2. Hyderabad: Hyderabad is another city with a growing IT sector. Salaries in Hyderabad are competitive, with entry-level positions starting around INR 25,000 to INR 45,000 per month, and experienced professionals earning in the range of INR 80,000 to INR 1,50,000 per month.
  3. Pune: Pune is known for its IT and software services industry. Entry-level IT professionals can expect salaries in the range of INR 25,000 to INR 45,000 per month, while experienced professionals may earn between INR 70,000 to INR 1,30,000 per month.
  4. Chennai: In Chennai, entry-level IT salaries can range from INR 25,000 to INR 45,000 per month. For experienced professionals, salaries may vary between INR 70,000 to INR 1,30,000 per month.
  5. Mumbai and Delhi/NCR: In metropolitan areas like Mumbai and the National Capital Region (Delhi/NCR), salaries for IT professionals tend to be relatively higher due to the higher cost of living. Entry-level salaries may start at INR 35,000 to INR 60,000 per month, while experienced professionals can earn between INR 1,00,000 to INR 2,00,000 or more per month.

It’s important to note that these figures are approximate and can change over time due to Economic conditions, industry trends, and other factors. Additionally, specialized roles, certifications, and skills can also influence salary levels in the IT industry. Therefore, it’s advisable to research and consult current salary surveys or industry reports for the most up-to-date information on IT salaries in India.

Key Factors Affecting IT Salaries

Economic Landscape: The Indian IT industry’s growth is intrinsically tied to the nation’s economic conditions. As India continues to grow, IT salaries follow suit.

Experience and Expertise: Experience and expertise are significant determinants of IT salaries. Professionals with more years under their belt often command higher salaries.

Location Matters: Salaries vary across Indian cities. IT hubs like Bangalore and Hyderabad offer competitive salaries due to higher living costs.

Educational Qualifications: Your educational background plays a crucial role. Specialized degrees and certifications can boost your earning potential.

Company Size: Working for a multinational corporation versus a startup can result in substantial differences in IT salaries.

Skill Set: Professionals with sought-after skills in areas like artificial intelligence and data science often enjoy higher salaries.

Industry Trends: Keeping up with emerging technologies and industry trends can make you more valuable to employers.

IT Salary per Month in India

The heart of this guide is understanding the IT salary per month in India. Salaries vary widely based on the factors mentioned above, but the range can be anywhere from ₹25,000 to ₹150,000 per month. The median IT salary is around ₹60,000 per month, with many variables at play.

Here’s a overview of IT salary in the United States:

  1. Entry-Level IT Salaries: Entry-level IT positions, such as help desk support or junior software developers, typically start at an annual salary of $40,000 to $70,000. The exact amount can vary depending on the region and the specific role.
  2. Mid-Level IT Salaries: IT professionals with a few years of experience, like network administrators, system administrators, and software engineers, can earn salaries ranging from $70,000 to $120,000 or more, depending on their expertise and location.
  3. Experienced IT Salaries: IT managers, senior software engineers, data scientists, and other highly experienced professionals can earn well over $120,000, with some salaries exceeding $200,000 or more, especially in major tech hubs like Silicon Valley.
  4. Specialized Roles: Some specialized IT roles, such as cybersecurity experts, machine learning engineers, and cloud architects, can command even higher salaries due to their in-demand skills. Salaries for these roles can range from $100,000 to $200,000 or more.
  5. Location: IT salaries can vary significantly by region. Cities with a high cost of living, like San Francisco, New York, and Seattle, tend to offer higher salaries to compensate for the increased expenses. In contrast, IT professionals in smaller cities or rural areas may earn somewhat less.
  6. Education and Certification: Having a relevant degree, such as a computer science or information technology degree, can often lead to higher salaries. Additionally, certifications in specific IT fields, like CompTIA, Cisco, or AWS certifications, can also boost earning potential.
  7. Industry: The industry in which you work can influence your salary. For instance, IT professionals in finance, healthcare, and software development tend to earn more than those in the non-profit sector.
  8. Remote Work: The rise of remote work, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, has also impacted IT salaries. Remote work can sometimes lead to more competitive compensation packages, as companies expand their talent pool beyond their immediate geographic area.

Keep in mind that these figures are general estimates, and actual salaries can vary widely. It’s essential to research salary ranges in your specific region and industry and consider your own qualifications and experience when negotiating your compensation. Additionally, staying up to date with industry trends and acquiring in-demand skills can lead to higher earning potential in the IT field.

IT Salary Country wise

In the last five years, the IT sector has seen a massive boom across the globe. This has led to an increased demand for Software Developers in every country making it one of the highest paying jobs worldwide.

CountryAverage Software Developer Salary
The UK$75,000

Top Highest-Paying Companies for Software Developers in India

Understanding the monthly salary you can anticipate upon joining specific companies in India is crucial.

  • Google.
  • Microsoft.
  • Facebook.
  • Adobe.
  • Intel.
  • Apple.
  • Goldman Sachs.
  • Cisco.
  • TCS
  • Capgemini
  • cognizant
  • Persistent



Understanding the IT salary per month in India is vital for anyone navigating the dynamic IT job market. Keep in mind that while statistics offer a general idea, individual circumstances and factors come into play when determining your IT salary. Stay updated on industry trends, enhance your skills, and make informed choices to secure a rewarding career in the Indian IT sector.

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Q. What is the average IT salary in India?

A. The average IT salary in India hovers around ₹60,000 per month. However, this figure can fluctuate significantly depending on various factors.

Q. How do experience and expertise impact IT salaries?

A. Experience and expertise play a pivotal role in IT salaries. Professionals with more experience and specialized skills often earn higher salaries.

Q. Are IT salaries consistent across different Indian cities?

A. No, IT salaries vary across Indian cities. Cities like Bangalore and Hyderabad offer higher salaries due to their status as IT hubs.

Q. What qualifications are essential for securing a high IT salary?

A. Having a relevant and specialized educational background, along with certifications, can boost your IT salary potential.

Q. What is the impact of the company’s size on IT salaries?

A. Working for a multinational corporation generally yields higher IT salaries compared to startups or smaller firms.

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